brave beyond boundaries

Our men and women in uniform were always our liberty and democracy's shield for generations; they answered the call of duty wherever it may have been, and they represent the best of us.

Side by side, there were people overseas who not only stood and fought with our troops, they died with them protecting the United States values.

Those people possess a wealth of experience; they have been valued employees of the U.S. Army and U.S. government contractors overseas.

They have exhibited great loyalty and personal courage; they have dealt with the most difficult of circumstances, seeing their coworkers kidnapped and killed; seeing many of their less dedicated workers leave employment in fear for their lives; and having their lives threatened. Through all this, they steadfastly supported our troops overseas and government contractors; without their help and support, we could not have successfully completed our missions.

During our military presence outside of U.S. soil, those brave aliens have suffered death threats, capture, torture, and other hardships in their countries as a result of their support of United States Forces, but after our troops withdrawal, their lives became dramatically more at risk than ever.

America has a proud history of recruiting foreigners into our military and diplomatic services to make effective use of their unique capabilities.


Our Congress proudly has enacted a series of legislative provisions since 2006 to enable certain foreigners who worked as translators or interpreters or who were employed by, or on behalf of, the U.S. government to be eligible for special immigrant visas [SIV] and to become U.S. lawful permanent residents.

The SIV program identifies some foreign citizens who have already "provided faithful and valuable service to the United States," presenting them and their families as an invaluable recruiting pool for government service.

Although legislative provisions have been passed by Congress since 2006, many of those brave men and women and their families are still outside safe boundaries, stuck in shameful governmental administrative processing for years.

As patriotic Americans, we are not satisfied with the progress thus far made. Failing to honor our commitments to our allies would likely mean that we would be unable to find local allies willing to support our shared security objectives in future conflicts. None of us will be satisfied until the job is done.

In today’s interconnected world, the reputation of the United States is paramount to its ability to recruit foreigners to support its efforts overseas.

While we can never fully repay the debt we owe these brave men and women and their families, we in the Hand of Goodness nonprofit organization extend our hands by launching the "Brave Beyond Boundaries" program to fulfill our moral obligations, honor their service, and provide them the support they deserve.

The Brave Beyond Boundaries program can help with, but is not limited to:

·         Helps SIV applicants search for former employers or supervisors for their SIV application.

·         Helps SIV applicants reach out to former employers or supervisors to obtain the required recommendation letter.

·         Helps SIV applicants find legal services to prepare their immigration applications.

·         Mobilizes voices to express the image of suffering that SIV applicants face to U.S. legislators, government officials, and the media.

·         Refugee sponsorship and resettlement services.

·         SIV immigrants have full access to all our services that can provide support for their children and families as they take essential steps towards stability in the new environment.