Sport Aid

Supports youth, amateur sports, and fitness.

The program was found to break the financial barrier that hinders the participation of talented youth in organized teams and under professional coaching.

Soccer was chosen by Hand of Goodness as our first supported sport, and we grouped exceptional players from our community into a structured, professional soccer team.

Under our Sport Aid Program, the Seattle Emerald Soccer Team has been formed; the team is under the training of professional volunteer coaches; practice and practical games have served youth from age 12 to 16; great talents have been discovered that herald a promising future if they are properly cared for 

The team players came from diverse backgrounds, including Ukraine, Mesopotamia, and Afghanistan, which gives our society greater strength to invest this diversity in a positive and correct manner and make it united, full of love and brotherhood!

The program is aiming to expand to cover more sports, coaching, nutrition (including a weekly food basket), bodybuilding exercises (including gym membership), and social support to make sure the talented soccer player can get all the support in his journey, to break all barriers, especially the financial barrier, that hinder his participation, and to help him sail toward the dream of soccer stardom.

Funds are needed for playing field rental, coaching, social counseling, nutrition, gym membership, tournament registration fees, travel & transportation, uniforms, training equipment, and more.

For more information, please send your inquiries to